Hotel is in a hutong (alley) and has Chinese atmosphere.
Room was simple but OK.
Staff did not speak English very well and was not helpful.
ทริป 2 คืน
รีวิวจากผู้เข้าพัก Expedia ที่ตรวจสอบแล้ว
2/10 แย่
29 กรกฎาคม 2017
Avoid at all costs.
Booked hotel last minute, taxi could not reach the hotel, had to walk. Hotel says does not have record of reservation and they are sold out and no rooms available. They Arranged a room at another bad hotel but have to pay even though hotel was prepaid, also had to arrange taxi to go to new hotel at 2AM by myself, no help from them at all.
Deepak, ทริป 1 คืน
รีวิวจากผู้เข้าพัก ที่ตรวจสอบแล้ว
6/10 ดี
24 กรกฎาคม 2017
ทริปธุรกิจ 3 คืน
รีวิวจากผู้เข้าพัก ที่ตรวจสอบแล้ว
6/10 ดี
31 ตุลาคม 2016
딱 가격만큼의 호텔 수준
가격이 저렴한 만큼 시설이 낙후되었어요 골목안으로 들어가야 호텔을 찾을 수 있습니다 방음이 안되서 불편했어요
Small, basic, but value for money. Location is great with Lama and Confucius Temples, coffee shops, hutong mazes and local food..
Ziya Aykut
รีวิวจากผู้เข้าพัก ที่ตรวจสอบแล้ว
4/10 พอใช้
12 สิงหาคม 2016
Bad booking experience
I booked 2 bed room but only give one bed room
Yuen hing
รีวิวจากผู้เข้าพัก ที่ตรวจสอบแล้ว
6/10 ดี
9 สิงหาคม 2016
English description is below
ロビーの方は、かなりアクセントがありまいたが、英語が話せます。また、4つほど万里の長城への有料ツアーへ参加できます。夜は、周りがかなり暗く、少し怖いですが、治安はいいです。また、朝食(有料)もホテル内で食べることができます。部屋はせまいなぁと感じましたが、エアコンがちゃん効いたので、すぐに快適な気温になります。デポジットとして、100元渡しましたが、南の問題もなく返金されました。両替については、近くに中国銀行(CHINA BANK)があるので、そこで日本より安く両替ができます。一人旅向きです。
Person in a counter can speak English with a strong accent. You can join a tour for the Great wall from 4 options with payment. Each tour has different places and prices. Streets are a little bit dark but its location is safe. You can have break fast in the hotel. The room is small but its airconditionar worked well . So you don't have to worry about temparature in your room. You have to pay 100 yuan as a deposit for the first day. However, they gave me money back when I left. About exchanging money, there is China Bank near the hotel. This hotel is for travelers by yourself.
รีวิวจากผู้เข้าพัก ที่ตรวจสอบแล้ว
8/10 ดีมาก
7 สิงหาคม 2016
Bardzo Fajne miejsce na wypad i zwiedzanie Pekinu
Bardzo dobra lokalizacja
Bardzo miła obsługa
Wygodne łóżko
Wydajna klimatyzacja
Super klimat
Za te pieniądze hotel dużo powyżej oczekiwań POLECAM
Jedynie nie wiem jak zima bo grzejników nie widziałem ale latem super
รีวิวจากผู้เข้าพัก ที่ตรวจสอบแล้ว
10/10 ไร้ที่ติ
5 สิงหาคม 2016
교통, 인근식당, 청결, 안전, 냉방이 좋았던 숙소
출장다녀올 때 사용한 숙소, 상사한테 칭찬받았습니다. 냉방, 방크기, 인근시설, 교통, 안전 등등이 정말 좋았고요. 특히 방에서 잘때 조용히 잘 수 있었습니다. 상당히 괜찮았습니다. 젊으신 분들이 운영하는지 영어도 어느정도 구사하십니다.
รีวิวจากผู้เข้าพัก Expedia ที่ตรวจสอบแล้ว
6/10 ดี
1 สิงหาคม 2016
Not terrific location, but everything else good
The location is a little difficult to find if you're new to Beijing given that is in an alleyway. However you are next to two train stations.The staff was mostly friendly one staff member was very kind but others were not as helpful. The room was comfortable, bed was nice and the bathroom was clean.
รีวิวจากผู้เข้าพัก Expedia ที่ตรวจสอบแล้ว
8/10 ดีมาก
12 กรกฎาคม 2016
Very Local and Classic Hotel with Great Location
Good location, about 5 mins walking distance to the nearest subway station (Yonghegong Lama Temple station). Plenty of local cafes nearby, open as early as 7am for breakfast. Few international food chains as well such as Costa coffee, KFC etc. nearby. Hotel is located inside a small lane, but it is not difficult to look for it as long as you have its local name in Chinese printed out and ask around. Its location is great because you can experience local life in 'Hutong' which means small lane. Staffs are friendly, they can speak English well. If you need to go to Great Wall, front desk can help you to book a tour. Other than that, all tourist attractions can be reached via subway. Room is okay, please do not expect to have 5 star bathroom. Breakfast can be ordered as well, there is a small cafe in the hotel.
รีวิวจากผู้เข้าพัก Expedia ที่ตรวจสอบแล้ว
6/10 ดี
11 มิถุนายน 2016
위치가 정말 좋아요
옹허궁(雍和宫)역 C번 출구에서 도보 10분 정도로 위치가 너무 좋습니다.
동직문(东直门)역에서 한 코스이기 때문에 공항철도를 이용하기에도 정말 편하고요.
외곽으로 나가는 차편을 이용하기에도 시내 관광에도 최적의 장소입니다.
다만 창이 복도쪽으로만 나 있어서 실내 습도가 높아 침구가 눅눅한 편입니다.
그래서 장마철이나 여름엔 침구진드기가 많아 몸이 가렵더군요.
하지만 스텝들도 친절하고 위치도 좋아서 다음번 여행 시 다시 이용하고 싶습니다.
รีวิวจากผู้เข้าพัก ที่ตรวจสอบแล้ว
8/10 ดีมาก
7 มิถุนายน 2016
รีวิวจากผู้เข้าพัก ที่ตรวจสอบแล้ว
6/10 ดี
29 พฤษภาคม 2016
รีวิวจากผู้เข้าพัก ที่ตรวจสอบแล้ว
10/10 ไร้ที่ติ
3 พฤษภาคม 2016
Great location
Good location, really close to the metro. It is in a good location for bars and food.