Does Lovasoa CCCC - Hostel offer free cancellation for a full refund?
Yes, Lovasoa CCCC - Hostel does have fully refundable room rates available to book on our site. If you’ve booked a fully refundable room rate, this can be cancelled up to a few days before check-in, depending on the property's cancellation policy. Just make sure that you check this property's cancellation policy for the exact terms and conditions.
Are pets allowed at Lovasoa CCCC - Hostel?
Sorry, neither pets nor service animals are allowed.
Is parking offered on site at Lovasoa CCCC - Hostel?
Yes, there's free self parking.
What are the check-in and check-out times at Lovasoa CCCC - Hostel?
Check-in start time: noon; check-in end time: 10:00 PM. Check-out time is noon.
What is there to do at Lovasoa CCCC - Hostel and nearby?
Lovasoa CCCC - Hostel has a picnic area and a garden.
Are there restaurants at or near Lovasoa CCCC - Hostel?
Yes, there's an on-site restaurant.
What's the area around Lovasoa CCCC - Hostel like?
Lovasoa CCCC - Hostel is in the heart of Antsirabe, a short 3-minute walk from Antsirabe Cathedral Church and 15 minutes' walk from East Park.
Lovasoa CCCC - Hostel Reviews
All reviews shown are from real guest experiences. Only travellers who have booked a stay with us can submit a review. We verify reviews according to our guidelines and publish all reviews, positive or negative.More informationOpens in a new window