This hotel is okay, seemed kind of outdated and they chose dark wood trim for everything, which gives it a very dark and dingy appearance. The buffet food is terrible and for me this was by far the worst part of my stay here. there are two other restaurants in the hotel that are not buffets, and these are much better at least. If you visit the spa you will be instantly reminded that you are in Egypt, the prices are greatly inflated (they have a normal 90 minute hammam and massage listed for $200 USD) and you have to bargain to try and even get an acceptable price. The staff in the hotel and the restaurants is quite attentive, which was nice, but again you are reminded about being in Egypt, because everyone is just looking for tips constantly. The hotel transport is very expensive for what it is, and you need to pay in cash unfortunately. Also, our driver on the way there was driving at least 3 times the speed limit (we are used to this living in the middle east, but this was another level) and was trying to get another car to pull over so he could get into a fight with the driver while we were in the car.