The two main things that were the deciding factor for me choosing Vantage Point were the hot tub and free breakfast, yet both were huge let downs. Misled: When I checked in, I asked about their free breakfast and was told that it was continental style (info not clarified in the ad) consisting of coffee, juice and assorted pastries, but the next morning there was one choice of large muffins and coffee, but nothing else. Fraud: The hot tub that I was so looking forward to was another huge disappointment. When I noticed the water level was low and very cold, I expected bad news, and sure enough, I was told it was broken. When you're using your pool and a hot tub as a selling point, don't you think they should be in working order? It would have been more forgivable if I had at least been offered a discount for the room, considering the amount of deception involved. The photos and amenities in the ad did not line up with what I saw or received.