Overall the hotel is good. I stayed at the Sunrise and the pool is really good. The attention from the staff is the one I have complaints there were some staff that the attention was good but others were not that good specialy with kids. There was one employee that told my kids that she cannot serve the ice cream they wanted because it will ruin its decoration. Something I didn't like is that upon arrival they tried to sell you a vacation package and they are very pushy. I bought a VIP access and I was supposed to have a concierge employee assigned to us and he dissapear from the first day and appear the last day (Oscar Carrillo was his name). The food is average in most of the restaurants, with the exeption of Carvao and JC Steakhouse, these 2 places are really good. The Circus is good for the kids but the food also average. The least I liked was that I went to Mexico to have my vacations and I expected traditional mexican things and culture, and what I understood is that this hotel is own by Mexicans, for my surprise this hotel focus most of their activities (music, shows, food, etc) for americans and that is not bad but if I go to Mexico I would expect to see Mexican traditons, music, food, etc., in this hotel I felt that I was in vacations in US which is not bad but was not my expectation. Something I really like was the SPA service which was included in my VIP service, it was really good.