VERY DIRTY: see pictures. When showering, found parts of leftover soap by prior guests, and their old shampoo plastic containers.
Meaning: Shower/bath was NOT cleaned.
Mouldy shower, see picture.
Both bath towels had many stains, and/or not clean.
Showed these pictures, and towel, to staff at reception. Totally passive, no interest in fixing, did not offer discount, new room or other «fix». Simply pointed out that the maid must not have cleaned. For the towels: said that it is simply «stains», but (old) towel was washed.
—> Bad service, total «do not care attitude».
—> Hotel likely maintains a low level service/cleanliness since many guests are people seeking a bed close to airport, if early flight (like our case).
Swimming pool is very small, and workers were singing while oiling the patio, while others used sledgehammer. Meaning: no use in pool.
Would not recommend: stay for example at Patio Getsemani (where we also stayed).
Conclude: totally get the idea of a «cheap bed close to airport», but this must be with a minimum level of cleanliness and friendliness